Benifit of Inner Vision Meditation

Benifit of Inner Vision Meditation

This spiritual meditation involves the use of the imagination, which I prefer to call “inner vision.” The word “imagination” often implies something that we see something that we “made up” that is false or meaningless. In the strictest sense, ANYTHING less than the truth of our being as Pure Spirit is “untrue” and we actually “made up” everything in this dream we call our physical lives!
However, the Holy Spirit uses the dream with all of the illusions that we made to help us wake up FROM it. Imagination is the ability we have to see different perspectives that give us information beyond what our physical eyes are fastened on. The creative process we go through to “imagine” something is the same process we went through originally to dream up this dream of separation in the first place. Since we have this ability to imagine, and it’s all a dream anyway, let’s use the dream for our highest and best purpose – to awaken to our connection with God and each other.
All forms in this life, including what we imagine, are symbols that are projected from mind. In this spiritual meditation we use symbols of the body and it’s energy centers, which exist in the mind. The body actually only exists within mind, not the other way around. We will use the symbols of uplifting images to uplift and open our minds to connect with Spirit, the Source of all healing.
Just as all words carry a vibration, so do all images we choose to gaze upon. We can create any image we want, very much like the Unifying Phrase Meditation above. Then we can use this image in the same way we used our unifying phrases. The variations for this are unlimited! Experiment by creating any image that uplifts you. To test them, make sure that when you gaze upon them in your inner vision, you feel peace, relief, joy, expansion, hope and upliftment.
To get you started, I’ll share with you one of the uplifting images that I often use in WellBeing Alignment Sessions – Pure White Light. In a moment, I’ll take you through a White Light Meditation. You can also try a longer version of White Light Meditation here.
If you wish, you can record your own voice reading the words below. Or, you can read it first to get the general idea, then go through it. Another option is to read it a step at a time, then close your eyes and form the vision for that step. Then when you’re ready, open your eyes and go on to the next step.
Don’t be surprised if your inner vision shows you additional things besides what is mentioned here. As long as it is uplifting, go with it. This can become a form of spiritual “journeying” which can be quite powerful. Trust your instincts. You’ll be able to feel if you’re going in the right direction by trusting your Emotional Feedback Guide and following the course that evokes positive feelings.

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