Benefits That Will Motivate You In Your Meditation

Benefits That Will Motivate You In Your Meditation

Meditation is an ancient practice that is done by individuals who seek enlightenment, inner peace, and freedom from stress. There are different ways on how to meditate but they all lead to the same thing – a better you. Below are the top five benefits that meditation can offer to your life.

1. Improves cardiovascular health. When a person meditates, the body goes into a relaxed state which in turn lowers your heart rate and blood pressure. It also improves circulation and the steady breathing makes sure that your whole body receives oxygen. All of these improve cardiovascular health.

2. Removes fear. People who have certain fears or phobias may find meditation as a way to cure it, if not, at least lessen the effect. Dealing with scary thoughts in a relaxed state makes it easier for an individual to assess his feelings so that he can deal with it accordingly.

3. Makes you happier. People who meditate regularly tend to be happier than those who don’t. This is because meditation has physiological effects such as an increase in serotonin levels in the body that puts you in a good mood and allows a better perspective of one’s image which increase self-esteem and self-confidence. This also removes depression and any signs of sadness.

4. Increases creativity. It was observed that people who come up with the brightest of ideas include meditation in their everyday routine. When a person meditates, it doesn’t actually mean that the mind stops working, but it actually makes the mind and spirit more active and more open. It then allows more inspiration which sparks creativity and bright ideas.

5. Richer life. When a person enters a meditative state, it naturally opens the mind, body and spirit, which in turn makes the whole person more sensitive to stimulus. First, the mind will be able to absorb more information which can improve his intelligence. Second, his body will be more in harmony with itself and more attuned to its surroundings. Lastly, his spirit will be more in tune to positive experiences which in turn makes him a more positive individual.

Judging from the benefits mentioned above, I can say that meditation is more than just an activity or a simple exercise. Meditation is like a door to a world of good experiences which makes you enjoy your life more. So if you haven’t considered meditating regularly, then I suggest that you start right away. Source

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